Adolescent & Young Adult Treatment


                                                                                       OPERATION KINGDOM MINISTRY INMATES AND STAFFS 2018 - 2019

Why drug rehab programs for teens and young adults are important?

Adolescents and young adults have different treatment needs than older substance abusers. In addition to issues involving addiction and withdrawal, these young people may need help with education, co-occurring mental health conditions, family life, and more. Since most young drug abusers do not see the need for treatment, an intervention is often required. Families should have a program picked out in advance, so the teen can be transported to care when the meeting is over.

Drug and alcohol experimentation is common in adolescence and young adulthood.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that 70 percent of teens have tried alcohol by their senior year in high school, 50 percent have abused an illegal drug, 40 percent have smoked a cigarette, and 20 percent have used a prescription drug recreationally, or for nonmedical purposes. Breaking it down further, the Monitoring the Future survey that explores drug and alcohol use among high school students reported that in 2014, approximately 20.3 percent of 8th graders had abused an illegal drug in their lifetime, while 37.4 percent of 10th graders had and 49.1 percent of 12th grade students reported lifetime drug abuse.

Some levels of experimentation and risk-taking behavior are expected at this age, as the prefrontal cortex and other regions of the brain involved in impulse control, willpower, and healthy decision-making are not fully developed.

Abusing drugs or alcohol regularly before the brain is completely formed can increase the odds of becoming addicted to these substances.

Adolescents and young adults may have different treatment needs than older substance abusers, and many in this population may not see the need for treatment on their own. Secrecy about substance abuse and denial may be common in young substance abusers, and often treatment may initially be sought for them by their parents or guardians. Age-specific and specialty programs catering to teenagers and young adults may be beneficial in reducing problematic drug or alcohol usage as well as enhancing addiction recovery.

The success of an addict’s treatment requires the support of an entire community. At Operation Kingdom Ministry, we understand the heartache and pains of addiction and the strength that can be gained from successful treatment. Take advantage of this service to help in your healing process and get in touch for more information.

The Nutrition Guide:

Boosting Recovery with a Healthy Diet

Drug withdrawal isn’t the only thing that causes headaches, drowsiness and depression. Malnutrition induces similar ailments, complicating recovery from addiction. Here in Operation Kingdom Ministry's Rehabilitation Centre we supply a good kind of nutrition. Good nutrition help our patients / students to overcome their addiction physically and spiritually.  

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