Our Mission      

It’s not just about stopping drug abuse. It’s about gaining the confidence, self-esteem, and the tools to be able to handle the challenges of everyday life without needing drugs.

Motivated by the divine Operation Kingdom Ministry
and the physical and cognitive rehabilitation needs of our communities, our mission is to enhance lives, maximize function, inspire hope, and promote dignity and well-being with expertise and compassion.

It’s about understanding the core reason why a person is abusing drugs, and working through those issues. It’s about developing a healthy lifestyle – eating well, sleeping well, enjoying social and recreational activities.

It’s about developing the skills to be able to do well in school or at work, and to make some sort of plan for the future.

There is always hope and another way to go about your life. Let Operation Kingdom Ministry help you get back on the right path, with support from some of the most effective counselling and treatment programs in Phunchawng, Aizawl. You are not alone.

We depend upon God and with faith everything is possible and we’ve prove God provided everything many a times. We have helped hundreds of people like you start over and amend their relationship with God, their families, their friends, the society, and even their future. Our mission is to help each individuals to have a wonderful life here on Earth and spriritually an eternal life after dead by teaching and practicing the Holy Scripture.

If you, or someone you know is suffering from some form of addiction, then it’s likely a symptom of a bigger issue. Operation Kingdom Ministry takes a holistic approach on your whole profile and we treat all of you, not just your addiction. We have been using our own program to help people overcome addiction in Aizawl, Mizoram since 2014. It’s never too late to reach out to us for help. 

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